12 Outfit Ideas for Navigating Those Tricky Summer/Fall Period

Hello! I hope you’re having a very good day? Today I am happy to share with you some of my outfit ideas to deal with those unpredictably tricky summer/fall period. Finding the perfect outfit during this time can be quite annoying. You want to find an outfit that is in season, that’s not too warm for the odd scorching sunny days. And warm enough for those chilly jacket please keep me warm kinda days. In the UK we are notoriously known for having terrible weather. I personally gravitate towards the heat. Living in a country with an unpredictable weather is a chore. I have an umbrella in my bag 24/7. The best thing to remember during this in-between weather time is to always carry a jacket or light scarf. Check out some of my favourite in-between outfit ideas below.

What do you do to stay warm/cool during the in-between summer/fall season? Comment below!xx Mariama

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