The Foreo Luna Mini, this little thing of beauty. If you have never heard of this little device before, then sit tight, relax and prepare to be amazed. 
After being sold worldwide for nearly two years or so now, I finally got my hands on this little bad boy. Facial cleansing tools especially brushes have are now a must for all skincare conscious people. Most cleansing brushes promises to help unclog pores, brighten our skin, and help us achieve our skin goals. 
I am very picky when it comes to what I put on my face because like many of you I don’t want to ruin my ok face with harsh tools or chemicals and worsen my skin issues.  I had been looking at the Clarisonic range, but I think it’s similar to my Magnitone. I am probably wrong and the thought of having another beauty tool with its brush head that needs constant changing just seems pointless and, please do correct me if am wrong!
Compared to others in this category I feel that the Foreo Luna is very different which was why I decided to give it a try. 
What makes this so different from the rest? 
At Foreo, they aim to provide a unique, pioneering and iconic products with hygiene and wellbeing at its core; designed to help you feel naturally beautiful and healthy. The Luna Mini is the first of its kind to make use of unique nonporous silicone brush that is easiest to wash and more hygenic than standard silicone cleansing brushes. After use, all one needs to do is just rinse and it will be 35x more hygienic than other cleansing brushes. The idea of anyone cleansing their face with a bacteria-ridden brush makes me shudder.
This product comes with two manuals; one for a quick guide and the other gives a more in-depth step by step guide on how to use this little beauty. 
 It also comes with an insurance card and a USB charger for the device.
How much does it costs?
It costs £99 which is not as expensive as the Clarisonic or as purse friendly as the Magnitone Lucid. However, it’s still not the cheapest thing in the world. 
 I ordered the Luna Mini Save The Sea Special Edition with the net profits would go to Foreo’s Board of Ocean Conservation charity partners. Although, this device comes in five different colours, if you’re not a sea turtle pal.
Foreo Luna Mini Device

 There’s a little promotion Foreo have going this summer—–> check out their website here.

As you can probably tell, I am super excited to try this out. I hope I am not disappointed.
Has Foreo Luna Mini converted you to the dark side? Or If you haven’t tried this device yet would you try it? Please leave your comments below!
Thank’s for stopping by,

This is not a sponsored post 🙂

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